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- I love reading 100 things about complete strangers and finding common ground with them.
- Daydreaming is an important part of my daily life.
- I believe authentic faith comes from studying and questioning and seeking God.
- I rarely say the words, "I wish..."
- But... I wish I could garden.
- I wish were better at being still.
- The best parenting advice I ever received was, "Your boys will bond like bear cubs. Don't interfere." I haven't.
- The second best advice I ever received was, "Don't tell them to 'be careful' all the time -- or they will be." Had to bite my tongue often!
- My first son has never been afraid to forge his own path.
- My second son wants to fly.
- I knew I wanted to marry Joe two weeks after I met him. I was sixteen.
- We waited five years to marry.
- When I was young, I longed for one career: I wanted to be a wife and mother.
- I never admitted my dream to anyone. It seemed like I was letting down the Sisterhood.
- I once subscribed to the dangerous notion "you're okay; I'm okay."
- Exclamation points make me happy.
- I love Mondays.
- In fact, my favorite day of the week is whichever day it happens to be.
- Kayacking is my favorite way to spend a morning.
- I despise canoeing.
- I love to cook.
- When I cook, I pray for the people who will eat with me.
- I can't think of a better way to love people than preparing food for them with all the love and hope I have to offer in that moment.
- I am not a baker because I don't like to measure.
- Smashing and mincing garlic makes me so happy I will never own a garlic press.
- I majored in English and Philosophy and minored in Women's Studies and Theology in college.
- I am thankful for my degree even though I work at the same place I worked before I completed my degree.
- I got a speeding ticket on my way to my Phi Beta Kappa induction.
- I got another one on my way to the English Department Garden Party a week later.
- I wasn't in a hurry or running late either time.
- My favorite time with my babies was the time spent breastfeeding.
- My family prefers eating at our table than at any existing restaurant.
- I miss my grandpa.
- I wish I missed my mom.
- My piano is the possession I use more than anything else I own.
- I love playing scales.
- I haven't played scales for a long time.
- Certain listeners can probably tell.
- I love running.
- I haven't made running a part of my life for a long time.
- I am determined to be ready to let go of my boys when it's time for them to move away from home.
- Jakbo's committment to sports impresses me.
- Adam's ability to talk comfortably to any person he meets impresses me.
- The best thing about working with my husband every day is seeing him at his best; his kindness and willingness to serve make me want to be a better person.
- I love coupons.
- As a child I was intensely shy.
- I can spell.
- While in college I thought I might want to be an historian but the first history professor I had wore polyester suits with ruffled shirts. I changed my mind.
- I thought I might want to be a critic.
- I had a talent for making people believe whatever I was criticizing was better than they initially thought. Most people don't want to hear things are better.
- I didn't know how to stock a pantry until I was almost 30.
- I didn't know how to make a roast either.
- My cholesterol is better than average. Yay me!
- I wanted four children.
- I still do.
- This summer four dogs will call my house home.
- I do not like dogs.
- Dogs love me.
- I do not wish I had a daughter.
- I love being friends with girls and will be excited to meet the girls my boys choose.
- I coordinate weddings so I can be bossy for an entire day and a half.
- Pinning corsages is a special talent of mine.
- I am rarely "on time" for things.
- My weddings always start on time.
- My husband wishes I could be on time for everything.
- He loves me even though I'm not.
- I sometimes cuss.
- Like a sailor.
- My huband wishes I wouldn't cuss.
- He loves me even though I cuss.
- Serving others delights me.
- Being served by others horrifies me.
- I am humbled by the kind things people do for me.
- I worry.
- Balance is important to me.
- I count. I count paces... breaths... tiles. I think it's OCD.
- My eyes turn green when I am angry.
- The women in my life are freakin' amazing!
- I wouldn't be the person I am without Joe in my life. He gives me roots.
- Though I wrote SALT's Feast in his honor, sometimes I forget to make sure he feels honored and beloved.
- I believed most of my life that nice girls don't get mad.
- Men and women are intrinsically, naturally, and wonderfully different.
- My boys are still silly with me -- even when their friends are present.
- Upon discovering the truth about Santa Claus, Jakob asked me, "So, if you lied to me about this, how do I know you're not lying about Heaven?"
- I never lied about Santa.
- Three-year-old Adam once wrote me a note that read, "I hate you, Mommy!!!" and was decorated with a sad smiley face.
- Adam was mad because I wouldn't put Jakob back in my tummy.
- When my auntie turned 31, I confessed to thinking she was Seriously Old. She had me write it on note paper and sign it; I received it on my own 31st birthday.
- I really love Sex and the City.
- I really love to write.
- The Holy Spirit is a constant, acknowledged presence in my life.
- I refuse to spend any time doing something half-way.
- Sometimes I talk people into doing things I shouldn't have.
- Usually they forgive me.
- I really love my job.
- I forgive too easily but remember too much.
- The sound of the ocean never fails to lift my spirit.
- When Joe turns to me in sleep and runs his hand across my skin, I feel safe and beloved.
- I love the word "wife" no matter the context.
- I rarely cry at funerals; I always cry at weddings.