
One of our bus drivers, who is also a friend, told me she dreamt about me and our company.  This is not the first dream she's had; her dreams are almost prophetic.

When she told me she had a new one, I got a wee bit nervous.

Here's what she wrote in her email:

I had a dream last week and I forgort to tell you about it. I dreamt that the Hoglund buildings were surrounded by green grass and beautiful trees.  I had to mow the lawn again and again because it kept growing.

It was such a peaceful dream and a verse of the bible came to mind:  Psalms 23.  I belive this year is going to be better for you and your dad.
This woman has the gift of prophecy.  I take her at her word and Hope.  I Hope for the best for our company, for my dad, and for me.
Thank you for sharing your vision, darling driver.
