No one I know is surprised when I talk about my minor OCD. It manifests in so many little ways -- the need to have my notepads in line, pens in the cup, and pictures straight. It's what prompts me to count things. It's compelling; I can't deny my need for precision or stop counting. Still, I have a sense of humor about it.
I designate each day of the week for certain tasks, whether at work, home, church, or away; whether laborious, intellectual, or spiritual. On Thursdays I invite something random into my life. We eat random food for dinner, attend random community or church events, and I read random passages in my love letter from God.
This Random Thursday, I turned to Romans. Romans and I are not yet intimate, but I'm thinking we could be. Still... Ephesians and I are pretty tight right now.
I opened to Chapter Twelve with a quiet prayer in my heart hoping to find words I most need to hear. The letters swam before my slightly unfocused eyes, finally coming to rest on verse 9.
"Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good..."
Those words are enough for today.
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