Julie & Julia... In My Top Ten

Today I finally watched Julie & Julia.  Fantastic movie!!  I fell asleep watching it twice - couldn't be helped.  I sit, I sleep.  But today?  Beginning to end.

The movie made me laugh OUT LOUD while wearing headphones in the back of the van on the journey to Rochester during a snowstorm (note:  it's not often I have that many clauses/phrases in one sentence - enjoy it while you can).  It made me sad.  It made me want to cook.  It made me want to buy the books.  It made me read the blog. It made me long for a challenge of my own.

The blog is fantastic.  Julie uses the F-word regularly, along with several other blasphemous phrases.  She never fails to be brutally honest about who she is and what's happened in her life.  She hates her job, loves her husband, and adores Julia Child. 

I'm definitely buying the books. 

Watch the movie and then read the blog.  You won't be sorry.  :0)

Tomorrow, the last day of the year, I'm sending our annual letter.  I guess I should write it!
