Blogger Block

I have blogger block.

I am not suffering because I have nothing to say.  Just the opposite.  I have too much to say.  Sheesh.

And so I am in limbo.

Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.

Ichabod Crane in the film Sleepy HollowTruth!
Says Col. John Eidsmoe, Colonel, Alabama State Defense Force, in his sermon notes: "Unfortunately, evil does not come today with warning labels."

Evil is often beautifully packaged and tempting to us on many sensory levels.

How often do we reach for something beautiful, smell something delicious, taste something divine, hear something astonishing, and tell something juicy just for the simple pleasure it brings us? The warm curl of pleasure must be Good if it feels so good - mustn't it?

We trust our own feelings of pleasure even though we know our senses deceive us regularly into all kinds of wrong-ness - eating too much, drinking too much, spending too much money, being too intimate with a friend...

Being deceived by our senses is certainly not exclusive to this time and place. Full of envy because God prefers his brother, Cain kills Abel. Full of lust for the beautiful Bathsheeba, David sends a man to his death. Full of pride in his accomplishments, Solomon ignores God's warnings and falls into idol worship.

Says the Catholic Youth Bible, "Sometimes, when we think we are the strongest, we are actually weakest... Have you ever considered doing someting that you knew was wrong? Have you ever used the excuse, 'I'm strong enough to handle this,' to lead you into doing something wrong?" (373).

I have.

And when I did, I wore my own mask of virtue, saying and doing so many righteous things.

I no longer wear that mask, and won't again.

I'm pretty sure I won't be blogging for awhile.
