Distractions, distractions, distractions...

I love that I finally know what is my work and what is distraction from it.

My job, the one and only, is to be what God asks me to be. In my case, that means wife, mother, and friend. Anything else is a distraction.

Some distractions have a facade that makes them appear worthy. After all, many of the things I agree to do are important to the body of Christ - things like leading bible study groups, making music for worship, and accompanying young choirs.

Each of those activities is, for me, a ministry. Great example: Youth choirs give kids their first opportunity to participate in a fun and very visible way, a way that they'll remember as adults.

When someone changes the nature of the activity - turns it from a unique ministry into just another hobby, I have a hard time justifying the time away from being a wife and mother.

I keep looking for a balance.
