The events of April 10, 1997, remain in my mind and heart at all times. What the students, families, employees, community, and I experienced informs every decision I make both in my job and personally. I cannot fathom the depth of grief experienced by others personally affected by the crash, but it must have been - and probably continues to be - profound.
I've often said there is no value in what happened that day. The bus crash and ensuing injuries and fatalities are inexplicable and completely unacceptable. To assert or believe that the crash happened so anyone could "grow" is simply ridiculous.
I do believe that when we struggle with a tragedy like the bus crash, we have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons. And so, in memory of the victims I have kept in my prayers for the last sixteen years, I offer these thoughts:
- Sometimes bad things happen, and we may never understand why.
- Following the rules doesn't result in automatic rewards.
- Grieving cannot be rushed and doesn't follow any rules.
- Forgetting is impossible.
- There is always something to be learned in the aftermath of a tragic event.
- Finding a safe place to talk about how it felt to experience a tragedy is part of the healing process.
- When it is difficult to find something to say, "I'm sorry" is always acceptable.
- When it is difficult to find something to say, "God has His reasons" is always unacceptable.
- Small kindnesses and acts of charity are always appropriate.
- It is never acceptable to offer less than our best effort at any given moment for any reason.
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