One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus

Remember that old song?  One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus?

One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you.
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do.

Yesterday's gone, sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time. 
 I love that.

Just one day.  Or maybe one hour.  Even better one minute.  Just give me one more.

It's like the prayer I used to utter every morning:  "Lord, may I today gladly, happily accept whatever comes my way."

Gladly accept. 

Happily accept.

I usually can accept when things go the way they should go.  I can accept people for who and what they are, deal with things that cross my path, etc.


When I am targeted for whatever reason, I get a troubled feeling and it's more difficult to focus on acceptance.   My need for justice rears it's ugly head.  I want to explain "my side" and deflect the sword - which has actually never fallen.

I am trying to ACCEPT that JUSTICE has it's own time and place.  Eventually each of us will stand before our creator and answer for what we've done.  I know where I've failed and what I'll be asked.  I am not looking forward to that event.  But I also know that I have learned and grown away from that person who is fearful of that event.  I am wiser and better.

Can you say the same?

God blesss,
