And the Gifts We Have...

We are made to share what we have.

I was a philosophy major back in the day.


Really back in the day.  I graduated from St Kate's more than 20 years ago.

Remember, though.  Philosophers are, by definition, lovers of wisdom.  We don't stop learning because we achieved the degree.  Not even close!

I digress.


I am a lover of wisdom, of learning, of the classics, of the story behind everything that led us to here and now.  It's part of why I have always been Catholic; I love the tradition and history of the Church and love that it is what Jesus left us.

No matter what I do, I always start in prayer.  And the prayer is this:  "Lead me, guide me, bless me.  And may I gladly accept whatever you have in store for me this moment..."  Those words may be followed by something more, but I always start there.

Then I read the readings or story or notes or the definitions or instructions I have about the upcoming event.

Then I wait.

When it's time to start the required work - whether it's choosing music or creating a "show" or planning training or thinking about what I will say about a topic - I hear or feel things.  The flow is insane and with this process, I never, ever have writer's block or feel panic about whatever event is coming.  Never.

I think He has my back, despite what I have heard.

I think He ALWAYS has my back.  Why be afraid or worry?

And, you know?   I believe the Holy Spirit inhabits all of us, the space around us, and is in and around those we meet.  I am always aware of the presence of a sizzling sort of buzzing energy when I'm in the presence of someone especially in tune with the Holy Spirit.  I don't have footnotes or credit to offer for that statement.  It's just something I observe.  It's an amazing thing. 

We ARE called to share what we have.  Want some back-up?  Some footnotes?  I don't need them, but am happy to post them.

All I have to say is.... Blessed, blessed are we.

