On Independence...

I have done the most amazing things over the last several weeks.

I packed up my dark red and brown bedding and linens and replaced them with soft and lovely blues and yellows.  

Then I found a blue curtain with soft yellows and thought it was perfect.  So I put it up on the window that used to be covered with a Mexican blanket.  Win!

After that I went crazy!  To date I have:

  • Updated and fixed my internet connection and phone.
  • Blown out the sprinkler system - without being told to do so.  (Weird, right?)
  • Changed filters in everything I could find that had one.
  • Created a word wall of affirming adjectives.
  • Celebrated my new life with friends and made plans to continue doing so.
  • Made new friends!!
  • Changed lightbulbs - which I have not done in the twenty years I lived in this home.
  • Successfully changed a broken light fixture.  BOOOOYA
  • Dated really fun people...
  • Met someone who treats me like a princess.
  • Fed my children and friends new and fabulous foods created and presented with love.
  • Done laundry so efficiently that there is never any lying on the floor - unless Jake is home.
  • Celebrated with my family without mourning the family that no longer exists.
  • Welcomed new members to my family!
  • Cleaned dog hair without sneezing for hours.
  • Fed and exercised my three dogs to their healthy weights.
  • Enjoyed the exuberance of my three dogs who all now believe they are puppies.
  • Shared my home with a renter.
  • Mowed my lawn multiple times.
  • Organized lawn care and weed whipping with someone who is not only kind and caring, but also inexpensive.  He's coming back in the spring!! WOOT WOOT
  • Gone out with a wild and crazy friend to try new and wonderful things - think SEGWAYS!
  • Created a new business that is going to more successful than anything I've ever done in the past.
  • Mended fences with my father.
  • Packed things for my soon-to-be ex-husband with care and love for the person I thought he was.
  • Started to create an app that is REVOLUTIONARY!!!
  • Scrubbed my own floors on my hands and knees.
  • Taken care of the tropical fish I despise because of the expense.
  • Worked on a project for my former job.
  • Continued my journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge.
  • Attended the most amazing meetings and classes intended for people who are struggling.
  • Discovered a new way to fold towels… and just about everything else.  
  • Purchased the most beautiful nighties.
  • Made my bed every single morning so when I walk in later I can have my "ahhhh, I love this space" moment.
  • Found an agent who wants to publish my work.
  • Started writing a new event for an AMAZING group of singers.  
  • Resumed my workout plan.
  • Registered for runs… BIG ones!
  • Made more new friends!!!
  • Found a new relationship with Jesus.
  • Written and documented everything that has happened to me successfully.
  • Burned "The Chat" between my husband and the person who called me her best friend.  
  • Fixed almost every ugly, boy thing in my house and turned it into something creative and lovely.
  • Agreed to give away everything so I can move on to my next new story.
  • Have used my full, sophisticated vocabulary.
  • Watched Christian movies and listened to Christian music non-stop.
  • Attended the most amazing retreat weekend that changed my life.
  • Created scarf central.
  • Sorted and organized my jewelry and discarded the "ugh" stuff.
  • Resumed playing the piano for pleasure - and no one closes a door to shut it out.
  • Started watching class television.
There really is SO much MORE!  

I am not only surviving.  I am thriving.  

And you know?  Although there are moments of surprising self-doubt and fury at the continued manipulation and attempts to control, for the most part, I am sublimely happy.  I am independently managing my entire world - from my work to my home to my family to myself.

Think of it:  sublimely happy.  I love my work, I love my friends, I love my home, I love my children, and I love my God.  And for the first time in my life, I love myself.

Let the praises ring!

PS:  I will add pictures when I figure out the dumb storage thing I did.  God bless technology.  Or maybe.. God bless the technologically challenged.  


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